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Le Chat de Léo (Léo’s Cat)
Léo a un chat. Le chat est noir et blanc. Il dort beaucoup et aime jouer avec une balle. Léo donne à manger à son chat tous les jours. Léo adore son chat.
English Translation:
Léo has a cat. The cat is black and white. It sleeps a lot and likes to play with a ball. Léo feeds his cat every day. Léo loves his cat.
Vocabulary Explanation:
- Léo a un chat: “Léo has a cat.”
- Léo: Proper noun, name of a person.
- un chat: “a cat,” masculine noun. Plural form: des chats.
- Le chat est noir et blanc: “The cat is black and white.”
- Le chat: “the cat,” masculine noun.
- noir et blanc: “black and white,” adjectives describing the cat. Adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.
- Il dort beaucoup: “It sleeps a lot.”
- Il: “It,” pronoun referring to the cat.
- dort: “sleeps,” third person singular form of “dormir” (to sleep).
- beaucoup: “a lot,” adverb of quantity.
- Il aime jouer avec une balle: “It likes to play with a ball.”
- aime: “likes,” third person singular form of “aimer” (to like).
- jouer: “to play,” infinitive verb.
- une balle: “a ball,” feminine noun. Plural form: des balles.
- Léo donne à manger à son chat tous les jours: “Léo feeds his cat every day.”
- donne à manger: “feeds,” third person singular form of “donner” (to give).
- son chat: “his cat,” masculine noun.
- tous les jours: “every day,” expression indicating frequency.
- Léo adore son chat: “Léo loves his cat.”
- adore: “loves,” third person singular form of “adorer” (to love).
Grammar Explanation:
- Léo a un chat:
- “a” is the third person singular form of “avoir” (to have), meaning “has” (il a / elle a / je ai / tu as / nous avons / vous avez / ils/elles ont).
- Le chat est noir et blanc:
- “est” is the third person singular form of “être” (to be), meaning “is” (il est / elle est / je suis / tu es / nous sommes / vous êtes / ils/elles sont).
- Il dort beaucoup:
- “dort” is the third person singular form of “dormir” (to sleep), meaning “sleeps” (il dort / elle dort / je dors / tu dors / nous dormons / vous dormez / ils/elles dorment).
- Il aime jouer avec une balle:
- “aime” is the third person singular form of “aimer” (to like), meaning “likes” (il aime / elle aime / je aime / tu aimes / nous aimons / vous aimez / ils/elles aiment).
- Léo donne à manger à son chat tous les jours:
- “donne” is the third person singular form of “donner” (to give), meaning “gives” (il donne / elle donne / je donne / tu donnes / nous donnons / vous donnez / ils/elles donnent).
- Léo adore son chat:
- “adore” is the third person singular form of “adorer” (to love), meaning “loves” (il adore / elle adore / je adore / tu adores / nous adorons / vous adorez / ils/elles adorent).
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