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Les Courses de Clara (Clara’s Shopping)
Clara va au marché tous les dimanches avec sa mère. Elle achète des fruits frais, comme des pommes et des bananes, des légumes, comme des carottes et des tomates, et parfois du pain. Après avoir fait ses courses, elle rentre chez elle avec ses sacs pleins de nourriture pour préparer le déjeuner. Clara aime aider sa mère à cuisiner de bons plats. Elles passent du temps ensemble dans la cuisine et parlent de leur semaine.
English Translation:
Clara goes to the market every Sunday with her mother. She buys fresh fruits, like apples and bananas, vegetables, like carrots and tomatoes, and sometimes bread. After doing her shopping, she returns home with her bags full of food to prepare lunch. Clara enjoys helping her mother cook delicious meals. They spend time together in the kitchen and talk about their week.
Vocabulary Explanation:
Clara va au marché: “Clara goes to the market.”
- marché: “market” (masculine noun).
- Plural form: marchés.
tous les dimanches: “every Sunday.”
- dimanche: “Sunday” (masculine noun).
- Plural form: dimanches (used here due to “tous les”).
Elle achète des fruits frais: “She buys fresh fruits.”
- fruits: “fruits” (masculine noun).
- Plural form: fruits.
- frais: “fresh” (adjective).
- Masculine plural form: frais; feminine plural form: fraîches.
Comme des pommes et des bananes: “Like apples and bananas.”
- pommes: “apples” (feminine noun, plural).
- Singular: pomme.
- bananes: “bananas” (feminine noun, plural).
- Singular: banane.
des légumes: “vegetables.”
- légumes: “vegetables” (masculine noun, plural).
- Singular: légume.
des carottes et des tomates: “carrots and tomatoes.”
- carottes: “carrots” (feminine noun, plural).
- Singular: carotte.
- tomates: “tomatoes” (feminine noun, plural).
- Singular: tomate.
parfois du pain: “sometimes bread.”
- pain: “bread” (masculine noun).
- No plural form.
Elle rentre chez elle: “She goes home.”
- rentre: Third person singular form of rentrer (to return/to go back).
avec ses sacs pleins de nourriture: “with her bags full of food.”
- sacs: “bags” (masculine noun, plural).
- Singular: sac.
- nourriture: “food” (feminine noun).
- No plural form.
préparer le déjeuner: “to prepare lunch.”
- déjeuner: “lunch” (masculine noun).
- No plural form.
Clara aime aider sa mère: “Clara likes helping her mother.”
- aider: “to help.”
de bons plats: “delicious meals.”
- bons: “good” (masculine plural form of bon).
- Feminine form: bonnes.
passent du temps ensemble: “spend time together.”
- ensemble: “together” (adverb).
Grammar Explanation:
Clara va au marché: “Clara goes to the market.”
- va: Third person singular form of aller (to go) in the present tense.
- Other pronouns: (je vais / tu vas / il va / nous allons / vous allez / ils vont).
- va: Third person singular form of aller (to go) in the present tense.
Elle achète des fruits frais: “She buys fresh fruits.”
- achète: Third person singular form of acheter (to buy) in the present tense.
- Other pronouns: (j’achète / tu achètes / il achète / nous achetons / vous achetez / ils achètent).
- achète: Third person singular form of acheter (to buy) in the present tense.
Elle rentre chez elle: “She goes home.”
- rentre: Third person singular form of rentrer (to return) in the present tense.
- Other pronouns: (je rentre / tu rentres / il rentre / nous rentrons / vous rentrez / ils rentrent).
- rentre: Third person singular form of rentrer (to return) in the present tense.
Clara aime aider sa mère: “Clara likes helping her mother.”
- aime: Third person singular form of aimer (to like) in the present tense.
- Other pronouns: (j’aime / tu aimes / il aime / nous aimons / vous aimez / ils aiment).
- aime: Third person singular form of aimer (to like) in the present tense.
Elles passent du temps ensemble: “They spend time together.”
- passent: Third person plural form of passer (to spend, to pass) in the present tense.
- Other pronouns: (je passe / tu passes / il passe / nous passons / vous passez / ils passent).
- passent: Third person plural form of passer (to spend, to pass) in the present tense.
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