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"L'avenir appartient à ceux qui croient en la beauté de leurs rêves."
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Jour 1 – Je m’appelle Marie

Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. J’ai dix ans et j’habite à Paris. J’aime lire des livres et jouer au football.

Jour 2 – La Fête d’Anna

Anna organise une fête pour son anniversaire. Elle invite ses amis et prépare des gâteaux.

Jour 3 – Le Chat de Léo

Léo a un chat. Le chat est noir et blanc. Il dort beaucoup et aime jouer avec une balle.

Jour 4 – Mon Ami Paul

Je m'appelle Luc. Mon meilleur ami s'appelle Paul. Il a douze ans et il aime le sport.

Jour 5 – Les Courses de Clara

Clara va au marché tous les dimanches avec sa mère. Elle achète des fruits frais

Jour 1 – Je m’appelle Marie

Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. J’ai dix ans et j’habite à Paris. J’aime lire des livres et jouer au football.

Jour 2 – La Fête d’Anna

Anna organise une fête pour son anniversaire. Elle invite ses amis et prépare des gâteaux.



Marie : Bonjour, comment ça va ? Paul : Salut, ça va bien, et toi ? Marie : Ça va aussi. Qu'est-ce que...

Making an invitation

Making an Invitation Conversation in French: Julie : Salut, tu fais quelque chose ce soir ? Marc : Non, rien de spécial. Pourquoi ? Julie...

Planning a Weekend

Conversation in French: Sophie : Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce week-end ? Thomas : Je ne sais pas encore, et toi ? Sophie :...

Buying a Train Ticket

Conversation in French: Luc : Bonjour, je voudrais un billet pour Paris, s'il vous plaît. Guichetier : Pour quelle date ? Luc : Pour...

At the Grocery Store

Conversation in French: Emma : Bonjour, où sont les tomates ? Alex : Elles sont au fond du magasin, à droite. Emma : Merci...

Understanding Ordinal Numbers in French

Ordinal numbers play a crucial role in everyday French conversations, whether you're scheduling a meeting, listing items, or celebrating milestones. Unlike cardinal numbers, which...

What Is the Difference Between “Pouvoir” and “Savoir”?

A common question among French learners is: What is the difference between pouvoir and savoir? Both verbs translate to "can" or "to be able...

How to Read and Say Years in French?

Mastering how to read years in French is essential for conversations about history, events, or everyday milestones. In this guide, we’ll teach you how...

Difference Between “Aller” and “Venir”?

A common question among French learners is: What is the difference between aller and venir? Both verbs describe movement, but they indicate different directions....

What Is the Difference Between “Pouvoir” and “Savoir”?

A common question among French learners is: What is the difference between pouvoir and savoir? Both verbs translate to "can" or "to be able...

What Are the Differences Between “Trop,” “Très,” and “Assez”?

A common question among French learners is: What are the differences between trop, très, and assez? These adverbs are often used to modify adjectives...

Introduction to French Pronouns

Learning French is like meeting new friends, and the first friends you’ll meet are the French subject pronouns. These little words will help you...

Basic French Sentence Structure

Building French Sentences: It’s Easier Than You Think! When it comes to making French sentences, the formula is simple and familiar! If you’ve ever built...

Introduction to Articles

The Articles Adventure: Your Guide to French Articles! Welcome to the fascinating world of French articles! Just like in English, articles are essential in French...

Gender and Number of Nouns

Mastering French Nouns: Gender and Number Made Easy! In French, every noun has a gender – it’s either masculine or feminine. And just like in...

Hobbies & Leisure activities

In this lesson, we're going to discover the French vocabulary items related to Hobbies & Leisure activities. # Hobbies English Translation 1 écouter de la musique listen to music 2 aller à...

Lost in Translation: 30 Tricky French Faux Amis That Will Fool You!

Learning French can feel like a smooth ride—until you meet the sneaky faux amis! These tricky words look just like English words but have...

French Texting Abbreviations: A Guide to Common SMS Slang

Texting in French can be tricky, especially when abbreviations and slang come into play. Just like in English, French speakers use shortcuts to type...

Places in the City

In this lesson, we're going to discover the French vocabulary items related to places in the city. Knowing these essential terms will help you...

Day 1: Bonjour! The Beginning

Today marks the first step into learning French, and there’s a mix of excitement and nerves. After all, the goal is to one day...

Day 2: Numbers, Time, and a Little French Rhythm

Waking up today, I was still feeling a bit of the Day 1 momentum—there’s nothing like the little victory of saying "Bonjour! Je m’appelle…"...

Day 3: Days, Months, and Planning My French Future

After learning to count and tell time, I’m ready to dive into how the French mark their calendars. Knowing how to say the days...

Day 4: Action Time – Mastering Basic French Verbs

With a few days of learning behind me, it's time to step up the game and add some action to my sentences. Today’s focus...

Day 5: Asking Questions – Sparking Curiosity in French

After four days of learning French, it's time to turn up the curiosity and dive into asking questions. Questions are essential for real conversations—they...

Day 6: Adding Color and Character with French Adjectives

Today’s focus was all about making my sentences more expressive by learning how to describe the world around me. It feels like I’m starting...

Day 7: Talking About Feelings in French

It’s been a week since I started my French journey, and I’m feeling proud of the progress. Today’s goal is to dive into expressing...


Quiz 6 Verb conjugation with Pouvoir & Vouloir

It's Quiz Time! Ready to boost your French skills?...

Difference Between “Y” and “En” in French?

A common question for learners is: What’s the difference...

Difference Between Apporter and Emporter?

A common question among French learners is: What’s the...

Day 23: French Proverbs and Sayings

Today, I explored the world of French proverbs and...