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Il n'est jamais trop tard pour être ce que vous auriez pu être.
It is never too late to be what you might have been.

by George Eliot


Jour 1

Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. J’ai dix ans et j’habite à Paris. J’aime lire des livres et jouer au football.

Jour 2

Anna organise une fête pour son anniversaire. Elle invite ses amis et prépare des gâteaux.

Jour 3

Léo a un chat. Le chat est noir et blanc. Il dort beaucoup et aime jouer avec une balle.

Jour 4

Je m'appelle Luc. Mon meilleur ami s'appelle Paul. Il a douze ans et il aime le sport.

Jour 5

Clara va au marché tous les dimanches avec sa mère. Elle achète des fruits frais

Jour 1

Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. J’ai dix ans et j’habite à Paris. J’aime lire des livres et jouer au football.

Jour 2

Anna organise une fête pour son anniversaire. Elle invite ses amis et prépare des gâteaux.

French Relative Pronouns: Qui, Que, Dont, and Où

Relative pronouns are a crucial part of French, helping to link two sentences together and avoid repetition. They allow you to say things like...

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

In French, understanding pronouns is key to sounding natural and fluent. Two of the most important types are direct object pronouns and indirect object...



Marie : Bonjour, comment ça va ? Paul : Salut, ça va bien, et toi ? Marie : Ça va aussi. Qu'est-ce que...

Making an invitation

Making an Invitation Conversation in French: Julie : Salut, tu fais quelque chose ce soir ? Marc : Non, rien de spécial. Pourquoi ? Julie...

Planning a Weekend

Conversation in French: Sophie : Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce week-end ? Thomas : Je ne sais pas encore, et toi ? Sophie :...

Buying a Train Ticket

Conversation in French: Luc : Bonjour, je voudrais un billet pour Paris, s'il vous plaît. Guichetier : Pour quelle date ? Luc : Pour...


What Is the Difference Between “Pouvoir” and “Savoir”?

A common question among French learners is: What is the difference between pouvoir and savoir? Both verbs translate to "can" or "to be able...

What Are the Differences Between “Trop,” “Très,” and “Assez”?

A common question among French learners is: What are the differences between trop, très, and assez? These adverbs are often used to modify adjectives...

How Do I Make and Use Comparisons in French?

A common question among French learners is: How do I make and use comparisons in French? Comparisons are essential for expressing differences or similarities...

How Do I Use Negation in French Sentences?

A common question among French learners is: How do I properly use negation in French? Negation in French is typically formed using a two-part...


French Relative Pronouns: Qui, Que, Dont, and Où

Relative pronouns are a crucial part of French, helping to link two sentences together and avoid repetition. They allow you to say things like...

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

In French, understanding pronouns is key to sounding natural and fluent. Two of the most important types are direct object pronouns and indirect object...

French Comparatives and Superlatives

When learning French, it’s essential to know how to compare things and express extremes. Whether you’re describing something as bigger, better, or the best,...

French Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are the building blocks of expressing necessity, ability, permission, and possibility in French. They act as helpers to main verbs and are...


50 Essential French Expressions to Survive Your Trip to France (With a Smile!)

With some key expressions, you’ll be able to order your café au lait, ask for directions, and—most importantly—not offend the locals.

French Numbers: Vocabulary and Concepts

Understanding numbers is essential for effective communication in any...

Discovering the Animal Kingdom in French

Animals play a vital role in our lives and...

Introduction to French Pronouns

Learning French is like meeting new friends, and the...