Conversation in French:
- Luc : Bonjour, je voudrais un billet pour Paris, s’il vous plaît.
- Guichetier : Pour quelle date ?
- Luc : Pour demain matin.
- Guichetier : À quelle heure voulez-vous partir ?
- Luc : Le premier train, s’il vous plaît.
- Guichetier : Le premier train part à 7h. Cela vous convient ?
- Luc : Oui, c’est parfait. Combien ça coûte ?
- Guichetier : Ça fait 30 euros.
English Translation:
- Luc: Hello, I’d like a ticket to Paris, please.
- Clerk: For what date?
- Luc: For tomorrow morning.
- Clerk: What time would you like to leave?
- Luc: The first train, please.
- Clerk: The first train leaves at 7 AM. Does that work for you?
- Luc: Yes, that’s perfect. How much does it cost?
- Clerk: That will be 30 euros.
Vocabulary Explanation:
- Je voudrais: I would like.
- Polite way to express a desire, from the verb vouloir (to want).
- Un billet: A ticket.
- Masculine noun: The article un is used for masculine nouns.
- Plural form: des billets.
- Pour Paris: To Paris.
- Pour: Means “for” or “to” in this context.
- S’il vous plaît: Please.
- Formal way to say “please.”
- Pour quelle date ?: For what date?
- Date: Feminine noun, meaning “date” as in day or time.
- Plural form: les dates.
- Demain matin: Tomorrow morning.
- Demain: Means “tomorrow.”
- Matin: Masculine noun, means “morning.”
- Le premier train: The first train.
- Premier: Masculine form of “first.”
- Train: Masculine noun.
- Plural form: les premiers trains (the first trains).
- Cela vous convient ?: Does that work for you?
- Cela: Means “that.”
- Vous convient: “Works for you,” using the verb convenir (to suit).
- Combien ça coûte ?: How much does it cost?
- Combien: Means “how much.”
- Ça coûte: “It costs.”
- 30 euros: 30 euros.
- Euros: The currency used in many European countries.
Grammar Explanation:
- “Je voudrais un billet pour Paris” (I’d like a ticket to Paris):
- Je voudrais: Polite form of vouloir (to want), used in formal requests.
- Un billet: “A ticket,” with un for masculine nouns.
- “Pour quelle date ?” (For what date?):
- Quelle: Feminine singular form of “which” or “what,” used with date (feminine noun).
- “Pour demain matin” (For tomorrow morning):
- Demain: “Tomorrow,” referring to the next day.
- Matin: Masculine noun meaning “morning.”
- “Le premier train” (The first train):
- Premier: Masculine form of “first.”
- Train: Masculine noun, requires the masculine form premier.
- “Cela vous convient ?” (Does that work for you?):
- Vous convient: From the verb convenir (to suit), with vous for formal address.
- “Combien ça coûte ?” (How much does it cost?):
- Combien: Question word meaning “how much.”
- Ça coûte: “It costs,” using coûter (to cost).
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