Conversation in French:
- Sophie : Qu’est-ce que tu fais ce week-end ?
- Thomas : Je ne sais pas encore, et toi ?
- Sophie : J’aimerais aller à la plage. Ça te dit de venir ?
- Thomas : Bonne idée ! À quelle heure on part ?
- Sophie : On pourrait partir vers 9h du matin.
- Thomas : Parfait, j’apporte de quoi manger ?
- Sophie : Oui, ce serait super !
English Translation:
- Sophie: What are you doing this weekend?
- Thomas: I don’t know yet, and you?
- Sophie: I’d like to go to the beach. Would you like to come?
- Thomas: Good idea! What time are we leaving?
- Sophie: We could leave around 9 AM.
- Thomas: Perfect, should I bring something to eat?
- Sophie: Yes, that would be great!
Vocabulary Explanation:
- Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?: What are you doing?
- Common way to ask what someone is doing.
- Ce week-end: This weekend.
- Week-end: Masculine noun, means “weekend.”
- Je ne sais pas encore: I don’t know yet.
- Encore: Means “yet” or “still.”
- J’aimerais: I would like.
- Comes from the verb aimer (to like/love), in conditional form.
- La plage: The beach.
- Feminine noun: The article la is used with feminine nouns.
- Plural form: les plages.
- Ça te dit: Would you like?
- Informal expression, asking if someone is interested.
- On part: We leave.
- Partir: To leave, conjugated as on part (we leave).
- Vers 9h: Around 9 AM.
- Vers: Means “around” or “approximately.”
- J’apporte: I bring.
- From the verb apporter (to bring).
- De quoi manger: Something to eat.
- De quoi: Expression meaning “something.”
- Manger: Verb meaning “to eat.”
Grammar Explanation:
- “Qu’est-ce que tu fais ce week-end ?” (What are you doing this weekend?):
- Qu’est-ce que: Structure for asking “what” questions.
- Ce week-end: “This weekend,” using ce for “this.”
- “Je ne sais pas encore” (I don’t know yet):
- Ne … pas: Standard structure for negation in French.
- “J’aimerais aller à la plage” (I’d like to go to the beach):
- J’aimerais: Conditional form of aimer (to like), meaning “I would like.”
- À la plage: Preposition à (to) with la plage (the beach).
- “Ça te dit de venir ?” (Would you like to come?):
- Ça te dit: Informal expression meaning “Would you like.”
- “À quelle heure on part ?” (What time are we leaving?):
- On part: Conjugation of partir (to leave) for “we leave.”
- “On pourrait partir vers 9h du matin” (We could leave around 9 AM):
- Pourrait: Conditional of pouvoir (to be able to), meaning “could.”
- Vers: Means “around” or “approximately.”
- “J’apporte de quoi manger ?” (Should I bring something to eat?):
- J’apporte: From apporter (to bring).
- De quoi manger: Expression for “something to eat.”
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