Jour 4 – Mon Ami Paul

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Mon Ami Paul (My Friend Paul)

Je m’appelle Luc. Mon meilleur ami s’appelle Paul. Il a douze ans et il aime le sport. Nous jouons au basket ensemble chaque samedi. Paul est très drôle et sympathique.

English Translation:
My name is Luc. My best friend is named Paul. He is twelve years old and he likes sports. We play basketball together every Saturday. Paul is very funny and nice.

Vocabulary Explanation:

  • Je m’appelle Luc: “My name is Luc.”

    • m’appelle: reflexive form of the verb “appeler” (to call).
  • Mon meilleur ami s’appelle Paul: “My best friend is named Paul.”

    • meilleur ami: “best friend” (masculine), with “meilleur” (better) as the masculine adjective.
  • Il a douze ans: “He is twelve years old.”

    • douze ans: “twelve years,” where “ans” means “years.”
  • Il aime le sport: “He loves sports.”

    • aime: third person singular form of “aimer” (to love).
  • Nous jouons au basket ensemble chaque samedi: “We play basketball together every Saturday.”

    • jouons: first person plural form of “jouer” (to play).
  • Paul est très drôle et sympathique: “Paul is very funny and nice.”

    • drôle: “funny” (adjective), sympathique: “nice” (adjective describing Paul).

Grammar Explanation:

  • Je m’appelle Luc: “My name is Luc.”

    • m’appelle: reflexive form of “appeler” (to call) in the present tense.
      • Other pronouns: (je m’appelle/tu t’appelles/il s’appelle/nous nous appelons/vous vous appelez/ils s’appellent).
  • Il a douze ans: “He is twelve years old.”

    • a: third person singular form of “avoir” (to have), meaning “has.”
      • Other pronouns: (j’ai/tu as/il a/nous avons/vous avez/ils ont).
  • Il aime le sport: “He loves sports.”

    • aime: third person singular form of “aimer” (to love).
      • Other pronouns: (j’aime/tu aimes/il aime/nous aimons/vous aimez/ils aiment).
  • Nous jouons au basket ensemble chaque samedi: “We play basketball together every Saturday.”

    • jouons: first person plural form of “jouer” (to play) in the present tense.
      • Other pronouns: (je joue/tu joues/il joue/nous jouons/vous jouez/ils jouent).
  • Paul est très drôle et sympathique: “Paul is very funny and nice.”

    • est: third person singular form of “être” (to be).
      • Other pronouns: (je suis/tu es/il est/nous sommes/vous êtes/ils sont).
  • Drôle: “Funny” (masculine and feminine).

  • Sympathique: “Nice” (masculine and feminine).

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