Conversation in French:
- Docteur : Bonjour, comment vous sentez-vous aujourd’hui ?
- Paul : Bonjour, je me sens un peu malade.
- Docteur : Quels sont vos symptômes ?
- Paul : J’ai mal à la tête et je tousse beaucoup.
- Docteur : D’accord, je vais vous examiner.
- Paul : Merci, docteur.
English Translation:
- Doctor: Hello, how are you feeling today?
- Paul: Hello, I feel a bit sick.
- Doctor: What are your symptoms?
- Paul: I have a headache and I cough a lot.
- Doctor: Okay, I will examine you.
- Paul: Thank you, doctor.
Vocabulary Explanation:
- Comment vous sentez-vous ?: How are you feeling?
- Vous sentez: Formal form of se sentir (to feel).
- Used to inquire about someone’s health or well-being.
- Malade: Sick.
- Adjective used to describe feeling unwell.
- No distinction in gender/plural.
- Symptômes: Symptoms.
- Masculine plural noun.
- Singular form: un symptôme.
- J’ai mal à la tête: I have a headache.
- Mal: Means “pain” or “ache.”
- Tête: Feminine noun meaning “head.”
- Je tousse: I cough.
- Tousser: Verb meaning “to cough.”
- Je: First person singular pronoun.
- Beaucoup: A lot.
- Adverb used to indicate frequency or intensity.
- Examiner: To examine.
- Verb used for medical check-ups or assessments.
Grammar Explanation:
- “Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd’hui ?” (How are you feeling today?):
- Comment: Interrogative word meaning “how.”
- Vous sentez-vous: Formal inversion of vous vous sentez (you feel), from the reflexive verb se sentir (to feel).
- “Je me sens un peu malade” (I feel a bit sick):
- Je me sens: First person singular of se sentir (to feel).
- Un peu: Means “a bit” or “a little.”
- Malade: Adjective meaning “sick.”
- “Quels sont vos symptômes ?” (What are your symptoms?):
- Quels sont: Formal way to ask “what are.”
- Vos: Formal possessive adjective for “your.”
- “J’ai mal à la tête” (I have a headache):
- J’ai mal: Expression meaning “I have pain.”
- À la tête: Means “in the head,” using à for location and tête (head).
- “Je vais vous examiner” (I will examine you):
- Je vais: Future construction with aller (to go), meaning “I will.”
- Vous examiner: Infinitive verb examiner with formal vous (you).
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